Chemical Evidence Research at the National Center for Forensic Science (NCFS) is focused on the analysis of non-biological trace evidence (fire debris, explosives, fiber evidence, glass, etc.). We base our research on fundamentals of chemistry and work with the forensic science community to define the practical applications of our research.  We often collaborate with other research groups, agencies, and working groups.

While our emphasis is on solutions to applied problems in forensic science, we recognize that future developments are highly dependent on an increased understanding of fundamental aspects of chemistry, resulting in some fundamental investigations of an academic nature.


Dr. Michael Sigman

Professor, Chemistry
Director, National Center for Forensic Science


Publications Presentations

Dr. Candice Bridge

Associate Professor, NCFS
Associate Professor, Chemistry


Publications Presentations

Dr. Matthieu Baudelet

Associate Professor, NCFS
Associate Professor, Chemistry


Publications Presentations

Mary Williams, MS

Research Specialist II

