Search Powders SRN Help Data Source Select Value Federal Bureau of Investigation National Center for Forensic Science The Netherlands Forensic Institute ESI Help Data Source SRN Help Product use Select Value Reload OEM ammunition Military Help Distributor Name Select Value Alliant Accurate Winchester VihtaVuori Hodgdon Ramshot IMR Alcan Hercules Dupont Herters Norma Rottweil PRB WPR Nike WMG WSX Scot C Dupont Olin/IMI Mix Remington X-truded Accurate/Scot Nobel Sport Data Powder Help Product Name Help Date Obtained Help Lot Number Help Date of Analysis Manufacturer Select Value Alliant Techsystems Sweden Olin / Primex Technologies Finland ADI / Australia USA Belgium Accurate Arms/Unknown DuPont Scotland Alliant Powder Hercules (pre-Alliant) Germany Accurate Arms/IMI Olin Accurate - IMI/Synthesia Accurate Arms/Czech-Synthesia Hodgdon Powder Company Western Powders Canada Olin/IMI Mix Norma Precision AB Vihta Vuori Nobel Sport/France Alliant Help Date Manufactured Help Comments Shape Select Value ball flattened ball lamel flattened ball with irregular flattened ball disk cylinder(tubular) irregular flattened ball irregular other Agglomerate flatten ball and irregular ball with irregular flatten ball flatten ball and ball Help Perforation Yes No Help Distinguishing Features teardrops dumb bells agglomerates bias cut striation Oblongs Help Color Select Value Black Gray Green Brown Gold Orange Red pink/brown pink/green green/brown Help Luster Select Value Shiny Dull both Help Marker Color GreenRedBlueYellowPurpleOrangeWhiteBrownGold Help Diameter min. mm max. mm Help Average mm + / - mm Length/thickness min. mm max. mm Help Average mm + / - mm Main Components Nitroglycerin 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Diethyl phthalate Diphenylamine Methyl centralite Ethyl centralite Dibutyl phthalate 2-nitrodiphenylamine 4-nitrosodiphenylamine Dipentyl (Amyl) phthalate 4-nitrodiphenylamine Dioctyl phthalate 2-nitrosodiphenylamine Help Other components 2,4-Di-tert-butylphenol2,6-Dinitrotoluene4-methyl-1,3-benzenediamineButyl CitrateCamphorDioctyl adipatediphenyl phthalateethyl benzamineEthylene DimethacrylateethyleneglycoldinitrateN-nitrosodi-n-propylamineNorfluoranetoluenetoluene-2,3-diamineTrinitrotolueneTriphenyl PhosphateVinsolxylene Help Display Image GC-MS TIC Powder Canister FTIR Spectrum None Image Size 400 pixel600 pixel800 pixel1000 pixel Clear Parameters Total Records: 899 SRN Distributor Product Name 0461 WSX 130 SRN 0461 Distributor WSX Product Name 130 Shape flattened ball with irregular flattened ball avg. Diameter avg. Length/thickness List of components Nitroglycerin 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Diphenylamine Ethyl centralite Dibutyl phthalate 2-nitrodiphenylamine Sample detail & download section 0462 Winchester 759 SRN 0462 Distributor Winchester Product Name 759 Shape flattened ball avg. Diameter avg. Length/thickness List of components Nitroglycerin 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Diphenylamine Dibutyl phthalate 2-nitrodiphenylamine 4-nitrodiphenylamine Sample detail & download section 0463 Winchester AA60 SRN 0463 Distributor Winchester Product Name AA60 Shape flattened ball with irregular flattened ball avg. Diameter avg. Length/thickness List of components Nitroglycerin 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Diethyl phthalate Diphenylamine Ethyl centralite Dibutyl phthalate 2-nitrodiphenylamine Sample detail & download section 0464 WSX 110 SRN 0464 Distributor WSX Product Name 110 Shape flattened ball with irregular flattened ball avg. Diameter avg. Length/thickness List of components Nitroglycerin 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Diethyl phthalate Diphenylamine Ethyl centralite Dibutyl phthalate 2-nitrodiphenylamine 4-nitrodiphenylamine Sample detail & download section 0465 WMG 585 SRN 0465 Distributor WMG Product Name 585 Shape flattened ball avg. Diameter avg. Length/thickness List of components Nitroglycerin 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Diethyl phthalate Diphenylamine Ethyl centralite Dibutyl phthalate 2-nitrodiphenylamine 4-nitrodiphenylamine Sample detail & download section 0466 Winchester 540 SRN 0466 Distributor Winchester Product Name 540 Shape flattened ball avg. Diameter avg. Length/thickness List of components Nitroglycerin 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Diphenylamine Ethyl centralite Dibutyl phthalate 2-nitrodiphenylamine 4-nitrodiphenylamine Sample detail & download section 0467 Winchester 852H SRN 0467 Distributor Winchester Product Name 852H Shape ball avg. Diameter avg. Length/thickness List of components Nitroglycerin 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Diphenylamine Dibutyl phthalate 2-nitrodiphenylamine 4-nitrodiphenylamine Sample detail & download section 0468 WSX 140 SRN 0468 Distributor WSX Product Name 140 Shape irregular flattened ball avg. Diameter avg. Length/thickness List of components Nitroglycerin 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Diphenylamine Ethyl centralite Dibutyl phthalate 2-nitrodiphenylamine 4-nitrodiphenylamine Sample detail & download section 0469 Winchester 730 SRN 0469 Distributor Winchester Product Name 730 Shape flattened ball avg. Diameter avg. Length/thickness List of components Nitroglycerin 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Diphenylamine Dibutyl phthalate 2-nitrodiphenylamine 4-nitrodiphenylamine Sample detail & download section 0470 Dupont IMR-4198 SRN 0470 Distributor Dupont Product Name IMR-4198 Shape cylinder(tubular) avg. Diameter avg. Length/thickness List of components 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Diphenylamine 2-nitrodiphenylamine Dioctyl phthalate Sample detail & download section Records per page - 1 5 10 25 50 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 of 90